Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

JOHN LE CARRÉ LIMITED (registration number 13562606) of 240 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NW ("We" "our", "us") manage and administer this website. For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1988 (as amended) and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, John le Carré Limited is the "data controller" and "data processor" in respect of the Personal Data (as defined below) submitted by you when you visit our Website (the "Website"). In this privacy policy "Group Company" means us, our subsidiaries, our affiliates or holding companies from time to time and any subsidiary of any holding company from time to time (as subsidiary and holding company are defined in s.1159 Companies Act 2006).

This privacy policy sets out the fair and lawful basis upon which we collect and process personal data. Please read this privacy policy carefully. By accessing or browsing the Website, you confirm that you have read and understood this privacy policy in its entirety. Please check back regularly to keep informed of updates to this privacy policy.


When you visit our Website we may ask you to provide or otherwise collect the following information about you and your interests ("Personal Data"):

Contact Information
Depending on the page of the Website you visit, we may ask you to provide details of your name, age, gender, telephone number, postal address or email address.

Interests Information
Personal interests, preferences, feedback and survey response(s).

Technical Information
Details of specific content and or pages you visit on our Website (including duration of visits), technical information including the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, device(s) you use to access our Website, your geographical location, and other Group Company mailing lists you subscribe to.

We do not and will not knowingly collect information from any unsupervised child under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, you may not use the site unless your parent or guardian has provided us with their consent for use of the Website.

We respect your right to privacy and will only process personal information you provide to us in accordance with applicable data protection laws.


We receive information including Personal Data about you in three ways: (i) you may provide us information; (ii) we may collect information about you in the course of you visiting our Website; and (iii) third parties may provide us information about you where you have given them consent to do so.


Information you give us

This is information about you, including under any or all of the above Personal Data Categories, that you give us by filling in forms on the Website or by entering competitions, promotions or completing surveys or corresponding with us by phone, email or otherwise.

We use this information because you have asked us to do something/provide you information, because it is otherwise necessary in relation to a contract or transaction that you are entering into with us, or for the other purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. This includes:

-    Where you submit Contact Information and have subscribed to a mailing list to receive a newsletter, updates or other information about our clients/Group Company businesses;

-    Where you submit Contact Information and have entered a competition or other marketing initiative which requires such information in order the initiative to be operated.

Where you provide us with Contact Information and/or Interests Information, you confirm your consent to us sharing such Personal Data with other Group Companies for the purposes of Group Companies being able to contact you in relation to services/activities that we think you may be interested in based on your usage of our Website. If you wish to be removed from any Group Company mailing list that is used for marketing purposes, please email

Information we collect about you

We also use cookies (which are small text files stored in your browser) and cookie-like software such as beacons, tags and scripts. These collect information that tell us how you use our Website as well as providing other Interests Information and Technical Information. This helps us make our Website relevant to your interests and needs. We may use a persistent cookie (a cookie that stays linked to your browser) to record your details, so we can recognise you if you visit the Website again. You can choose to refuse cookies or set your browser to let you know each time a website tries to set a cookie.

If you use our Website, we understand that to mean that you consent to our use and placement of cookies for the purposes of collecting and processing Interests Information and Technical Information in the manner described here below:


We use this analytics tool to monitor website traffic and which adverts you click on. We store this information for up to 2 Years.

Information we receive from third parties

We may also receive and process Contact Information, Interest Information and Technical Information about you from our organisations/individuals where you have made purchases or otherwise expressed an interest in our activities and have either consented to such transfer or we otherwise receive such Personal Data in order to fulfil an order/request.


We may share Personal Data about you with the following service providers who we engage to process such Personal Data for the purposes described herein:

Advertising Providers

Facebook; Google

Website Performance Service Providers

Google Analytics; Amazon

Data Storage Providers

Amazon; Dropbox

Mailing List Providers:

Mail Chimp

The Personal Data that we collect from you may be transferred to and stored at a destination outside the European Economic Area including but not limited to the USA. By submitting your Personal Data to us you agree to this transfer, storage or processing. We will take all steps reasonably necessary and available to us to safeguard and ensure that your Personal Data is treated securely and in accordance with applicable laws.

We may also share Personal Data about you if we are required to do so in order to comply with any legal obligation or to protect our legal rights (or those of our clients). Please be aware that countries which are outside the European Economic Area may not offer the same level of data protection as the United Kingdom, although our collection, storage and use of your Personal Data will continue to be governed by this privacy policy.


We try to be as open as we reasonably can about the Personal Data that we process. If you would like specific information, just ask us at

You have legal rights (i) to make a "subject access request" to access your Personal Data; (ii) to request and be given your Personal Data in machine readable format for the purposes of your passing such data to third parties; (iii) to request rectification or removal of your Personal Data; and (iv) to object to processing of your Personal Data and/or to have its processing restricted. You can withdraw your consent to receive marketing messages at any time. If you would like to use any of these rights, or otherwise have any questions about how we handle data, please contact us at, with details of your request. In the case of subject access requests please ensure that you add "subject access request" into the subject line of your email.

In certain circumstances we may not be able to stop using your personal information but, if that is the case, we will let you know and tell you why.

In relation to subject access requests, we will respond as soon as possible but no longer than one month after such request is received. We will not usually charge you an administration fee in relation to any such subject access request unless we feel that the request is unusually onerous or complex.

We will store and process your Personal Data only for as long as is reasonably necessary for us to perform the services/activities we are undertaking and to comply with our legal obligations.

Please note that our Website may, from time to time, contain links to and from third party websites. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies.

As you probably know, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Data once transferred to us and any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your Personal Data, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

If you have complaints relating to our processing of your Personal Data, you should contact us in the first instance at You may also raise complaints with the Information Commissioner who is the statutory regulator.

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